How can a person get rid of premature ejaculation?

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Premature ejaculation is a treatable condition with various effective remedies available. From lifestyle changes and natural treatments to medications and professional therapies, men experiencing PE have multiple options to explore at

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual disorder affecting men worldwide. Characterized by the inability to delay ejaculation for a satisfactory period during sexual activity, PE can cause significant distress and affect relationships. Fortunately, several remedies can help manage this condition. This blog will explore various effective remedies for premature ejaculation, ranging from lifestyle changes and natural treatments to medications like super vidalista and professional therapies.

Understanding Premature Ejaculation

Before diving into the remedies, it's essential to understand what premature ejaculation is. PE occurs when ejaculation happens sooner than desired during sexual intercourse. It can be classified into two types: lifelong (primary) PE, which starts early in life, and acquired (secondary) PE, which develops later. Several factors contribute to PE, including psychological issues, medical conditions, and certain medications.

Lifestyle Changes

1. Exercise and Fitness

Regular physical activity can improve overall health and reduce anxiety, a common cause of premature ejaculation. Pelvic floor exercises, in particular, can strengthen the muscles involved in ejaculation control.

2. Healthy Diet

A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports sexual health. Foods high in zinc, magnesium, and amino acids can enhance sexual stamina and delay ejaculation.

3. Avoid Alcohol and Tobacco

Alcohol and tobacco use can negatively impact sexual performance. Reducing or eliminating these substances can help improve control over ejaculation.

Natural and Home Remedies

1. Herbal Supplements

Certain herbs, such as ashwagandha and ginseng, have been traditionally used to enhance sexual performance and delay ejaculation. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider before using these supplements.

2. Relaxation Techniques

Practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce anxiety and improve sexual control.

3. Masturbation

Masturbating a few hours before intercourse can help delay ejaculation during sexual activity. This method allows men to familiarize themselves with their arousal patterns and gain better control.

Behavioral Techniques

1. The Start-Stop Method

This technique involves stimulating the penis until the man feels he is about to ejaculate, then stopping until the sensation subsides. Repeating this process several times before allowing ejaculation can help increase control.

2. The Squeeze Technique

Similar to the start-stop method, the squeeze technique involves squeezing the base of the penis when ejaculation is imminent. This can help reduce the urge and delay ejaculation.


1. Topical Anesthetics

Over-the-counter creams and sprays containing numbing agents like lidocaine or benzocaine can be applied to the penis to reduce sensitivity and delay ejaculation.

2. Oral Medications

Medications such as poxet 60 mg (containing dapoxetine) are specifically designed to treat premature ejaculation. These medications work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain, which can help delay ejaculation.

Professional Therapies

1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a type of talk therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors contributing to premature ejaculation. It can be particularly effective for men with psychological causes of PE.

2. Sex Therapy

Working with a certified sex therapist can provide valuable insights and techniques for managing premature ejaculation. This therapy often involves both partners and focuses on improving communication and sexual satisfaction.


Premature ejaculation is a treatable condition with various effective remedies available. From lifestyle changes and natural treatments to medications and professional therapies, men experiencing PE have multiple options to explore. Consulting with a healthcare provider is crucial to determine the most appropriate remedy based on individual needs and medical history. With the right approach, men can regain control over their sexual health and enhance their overall well-being.
